
Enrage: When a unit with the Enrage X keyword has wound tokens greater than or equal to X, that unit gains the Charge keyword and treats its courage value as “-” and loses any suppression tokens it may have. If a unit with the Enrage X keyword has wound tokens greater than or equal to X but removes wound tokens through an effect so that it has fewer than X, it no longer benefits from the Enrage X keyword until it has wound tokens greater than or equal to X again.
Scale: When a unit with the Scale keyword performs a climb, it may move a vertical distance up to height 2. When a unit that has the Scale keyword performs a move, it does not reduce its maximum speed for moving out of, into, or through difficult terrain.
Regenerate: At the end of a unit’s activation, if it has the Regenerate X keyword, it rolls one white defense die for each wound token it has, up to X. For each defense or surge:defense result, it removes one wound token.
Bounty: During Setup, a unit with the Bounty keyword chooses an enemy Operative or Commander unit. The chosen unit gains a bounty token. After a friendly unit with the Bounty keyword defeats an enemy unit that has one or more bounty tokens with an attack or effect, the friendly unit’s controlling player scores 1 VP.
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Lost_Cub 1/31 at 20:27
If you are like me and forget what Charge is, here it is: After a unit that has the Charge keyword performs a move action into base contact to start a melee with an enemy unit, it may perform a free melee attack action against that unit.
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