Ewok Slingers

Unhindered: When a unit that has the Unhindered keyword performs a move, it does not reduce its maximum speed for moving out of, into, or through dicult terrain.
Low Profile: While defending against a ranged attack, if a unit with the Low Profile keyword would roll one or more defense dice during the Roll Cover Pool step, it rolls one fewer defense die and instead adds an additional block result to the cover pool after rolling.
Target: After a unit with the Target X keyword is issued an order, it gains X aim tokens.
Independent: Token X/Action: At the start of the Activation Phase, if a unit with the Independent keyword does not have an order token, that unit may gain X of the listed token(s) or perform the listed action as a free action.
Mercenary: Faction: A unit with the Mercenary keyword is a Mercenary unit. The faction(s) specified by the Mercenary keyword can include that unit in an army as a Mercenary unit.
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